Thursday, May 17, 2012

Steampunk Fan Mail!!

This week here @ VLVS! we got the coolest little steampunk book in the mail.. From Mrs. Carol A Thomas to Mr. Stampo and I just HAD to share it!!

 Even the envelope was stamped!!!

Check this baby out...
The inside pages have tons of stamps and wonder photos. 

VLVS! Products used:

Isn't it just awesome?


Sheri said...

Awesome little book! Carol is so awesome!

Susan M. Brown {sbartist} said...

This is soooooo awesome. Would be great to see how that was assembled, too! GREAT JOB Mrs. Thomas!!!!

Carly said...

this is fabulous!

Cheryl LIndsay said...

I want mail like this !!!!!!!!!!! Envelope art might be a fun project.