I hope you are a follower of this blog!!! Lots of excitement happen here really soon.. Also follow us on Facebook..
The Details – What I expect from a team:
1) Viva Las Vegastamps! Design Team Term is for 6 months from April 1st until the end of September 2011
2) Create a minimum of 2 projects per month to be featured on both your blog and Viva Las Vegastamps! blog and active in our StampArtforum, You will be given a date to post your project on our blog.
3) Promote Viva Las Vegastamps! by posting the above projects on other online galleries, facebook and blogs with working links to the store and forum.
4) In the event that you do not complete any of the above requirements viva Las Vegastamps! has the right to remove you from the DT and fill the position with another candidate from the waiting list.
The Viva Las VegaStamps! Design Team Member will receive -
1) Products for your term, shipped in 6 shipments – shipped by Viva Las Vegas Stamps by the 15th of each month.
3) Discount of 15% off all additional supplies you order from Viva Las Vegastamps!
4) A post on our blog with your bio and picture featured in our Design Team Gallery, promotion of your work in our forum, facebook page and blog.
How to apply:
1) send bio with present and past team you have been apart of
2) Blog address and facebook address - yes you must have a blog
3) post your best 2 stamp projects on your blog by March 15, 2011 to be review to become part of the team. These project can be anything, scrapbooking, stamping, mixed media - just make sure there are stamping techniques in your post. great if you use some of Viva Las VegaStamps! you can purchase some at the store.
4) In your post make sure you use our logo (you can right click on the photo) and link to our website http://www.stampo.com and blog...
5) Send this information to Terri@ultimatescrapbookretreat.com with Viva Las Vegastamps! DT in the regards ( so you don't get deleted). Become a follower of her blog at http://www.terrisproul.blogspot.com
Terri Sproul is running this team - so please post all question to her to get the best respond to them..
We are excited - tell all of your stamping friends...
Smiles and creativity to you
Terri Sproul
Viva Las Vegastamps! DT leader...
Terri...looks like a wonderful company with great stamps :)
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