Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Biohazard gift box by Arwen

 Hi peeps ❤

Here I am again.

Today, I wanna show you my gift box, which I created for today.

And that's the way, I made it

First, I choose black cardstock to build my box and fold it:

 2nd step is glueing:

The 3rd step is, I choose a piece of cardboard and some fabric - both for the top of my box:

The 4th step - I used Brusho to create some background paper:

5th step - after spraying my fabric with colorspray, I sticked it onto the top of my box:

6th step is to wrap my piece of cardboard into my background paper and stamped with my chosen images:

7th step - I cut my background paper in pieces of equal size and stamped with my chosen image:

Last step - glueing all pieces together and finished the box:

All stamps, I used:

- Biohazard 

- Warning

- Jagged chain link fence


Other stuff: 

- Cardstock

- Cardboard

- Exacompta white cardstock

- Brushos

- Staz on

- Scor Pal

- Fabric

- Dylusions Color Spray

- Ribbon

- Scrappers floss

- Charm

I hope, you like my project - see ya soon with more creative stuff 😻

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