Monday, April 06, 2020

Easy Easter Mail Art

Hello Again!

I'm back with more cute
Easter Mail Art!

Stamps Used:

Ok, so this time I totally forgot to take some action shots. 

Start by stamping your group of bunnies, then mask them off.  Next, stamp your cross with lilies. 

You can see here I have done that then began to color my cross and flowers. 
(you can remove the mask to color, but i chose not to for some reason)

Now remove the bunny mask so that you can color them too! 
(I chose browns , because i think of "chocolate bunnies")

So, after everything was colored I re-masked my bunnies then added a layer of yellow ink over the background.  When I was satisfied with that, I used layering stencils with pink and yellow to add more details. 

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