Saturday, December 01, 2018


Welcome to December's Monthly Challenge >>> 2019 is next month. NEXT.MONTH.

Yeowza. Let's get to winning some rubber hey?

It's time for UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS & red, black, white, teal. Think about ornaments, Santa, blocky christmas patterns, reindeer, sparkles, letters to Santa Claus. Christmas icons, script, dots & anything else that you can gain inspiration from in our board.

Don't forget the rules:
-Create a new project based on our inspiration board (it has to be posted this month, but you can certainly link up to other challenges as well!)
-Use at least one (but certainly more if you want) Viva Las VegaStamps! rubber stamps
(We are now allowing competitors stamps to be on your work, but please make VLVS! the focus of the project, thank you.)
-Post it to your blog with a link back to us
-Upload to our linky using your direct blog post link (You may also upload via facebook, flickr or other gallery)
You could win a Project Spotlight post on our blog + some new rubber of course.
And visit us back here for inspiration!


  1. Ha ha ha! I love this theme! Well done, VLVS gurus!

  2. where did they post the winner of last month challenge?
