Friday, August 24, 2018

Art journal page: Freaking Awesome! By Elina

I just love playing with the VLVS! stamps on my art journal books! Here's my newest creation I made in my small Moleskine book:

Isn't that 'Whimsical Lettered Man' image awesome! This time I decided to color it with quite conservative colors, but I'm sure next time I'll choose a more unusual color combo. That cool image for sure tolerates bold color choises :)

For coloring the background I cut a simple mask from plain printing paper. While keeping the mask still in place I stamped some random cross patterns on top of the green ink, using the same Distress color.

I stamped and colored three 'Whimsical Lettered Men' on the same go, as I also wanted to create two ATC's. I think they turned out very nice, too!

For these projects I used the following VLVS! stamps:

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by!