Friday, April 06, 2018

"Failure to give a shit" art journal spread | Sue Plumb

Hi everyone!
Sue Plumb here today to share a spread I created in my altered book art journal recently. I use this journal not only as a creative outlet, but also as a way of expressing my thoughts and feelings. This spread was created on one of "those days" - you know, the ones when you are just over worrying about all the insignificant things in life? 

I felt like working with acrylic paints for this project, so I pulled out my Flutterby Designs Flutter Colour paints. I used a medium sized brush and randomly spread some paint across the pages.

Once I had the colour down and dry; I decided to tone down the remaining print a bit, so I used some Colour Blast white heavy gesso over the text, which I applied simply with a brush.

After I was happy with the colour, it was time to add some depth and structure to my background with stamps. 
I used Staz On ink and the following stamps:

I then used some purple acrylic paint (applied with my finger) to add some colour to the centre of my coffee ring stains.

For my focal image I used the Fed Up Vintage Lady stamp. I smeared some ink acrylic pant onto some cardstock and then stamped the image over the top before cutting it out. (Confession time: after stamping and cutting the image I decided I wanted less colour, so I re-did it.)
I also stamped out a few copies of the quote I was using with the What We Have Here stamp; which I cut into small strips.

I decided my page need some more contrast, so I added a few areas of contrast using Colour Blast black heavy gesso; and a few smears of the pink paint where my quotes were going to be placed. I also added a little bit of light stamping with my favourite Doodle Dots stamp.
I then stuck down my quotes and feature image.

To finish my spread, I added a few highlights using a Flutterby Designs stencil; white paint pens (Posca and Sharpie); and also a black Sharpie.

Here's a closer look at the finished details...

Thanks for stopping by so I could share this with you. I hope I have inspired you to get inky too!

Stamps used:
Stitching Lines
Measuring Tape Section
Coffee Ring Stain
Fed Up Vintage Lady
What We Have Here
Doodle Dots

Other materials:
- Miracle Tape
- Flutterby Designs Flutter Colour paints
- Color Blast white and black heavy gesso
- Staz On ink
- Flutterby Designs 'Bubble O'Fun' stencil
- Sharpie pens
- Posca pen


  1. Fantastic spread ! love it !

  2. Amen, sister! I've had one of those WEEKS. :) Love your spread and great details for how you made it. Happy Friday!
