Monday, July 17, 2017

Mail Art Monday with Shanna

Hello and welcome to a Mail Art Monday!!!!

I am beyond excited to share my latest mail art with you all. Especially with all the gelli prints I have laying around and this was a perfect chance to play with one. 

First I adhered my gelli print to an envelope. Then added some stamping. 

I added some blue gelato around the door edges and then white for an address space. 

So fun and simple! 

Stamps Used:

Other Items Used:
The Crafters Workshop Stencils
Gelli Plate
Dina Wakely Acrylic Paints
Blue Gelato



  1. This is a fun mail art envelope! Love the colors and the fun design. Sure makes me want to see what's on the other side of that door. LoL

  2. stunning art, I love it ;O))
