Monday, May 01, 2017

Monthly Challenge - May - Everything comes 'round

Helllllooooo rubber stampers!

It is the beginning of May... and that means a new challenge!

This month is a little more abstract than before.. but might be one of our boards with the highest quantity of stamps!

We'd like to invite you to use the theme "Everything comes 'round." It's Spring and the world turns back towards life. Things are in bloom, babies are born, birds are singing. The world goes around. Be inspired to use in any & all round stamps along with numbers, clocks, time, hour glasses, etc. Colors to be inspire by but not limited to include GRAYS, black, white, greens, turquoises, and blues.

Don't forget the rules:
-Create a new project based on our inspiration board (it has to be posted this month, but you can certainly link up to other challenges as well!)
-Use at least one (but certainly more if you want) Viva Las VegaStamps! rubber stamps
(We are now allowing competitors stamps to be on your work, but please make VLVS! the focus of the project, thank you.)
-Post it to your blog with a link back to us
-Upload to our linky using your direct blog post link (You may also upload via facebook, flickr or other gallery)
You could win a Project Spotlight post on our blog + some new rubber of course.
And visit us back here for inspiration!


  1. A new month brings new challenges with us. The important thing is to stay focused and work hard. The author is truly an inspiration. Keep up the good work!

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