Monday, October 03, 2016

Nightmare in the Mail?!?

Hello Again!! 

Tera here again for another round of Mail art monday!

In the spirit of October let's share our nightmares...

 My nightmare, I'm sharing with you in the form of mail art!
(and I'm sure its not just my nightmare!)

Ok so as a dental hygienist one of my nightmares is of course for my teeth to fall out... so I found it too funny when i found the floss postoid from VLVS... I knew instantly that I needed to create this.  

I know many of my patients have asked me about keeping their teeth, but its always funny when you tell them you really need to floss... (If you could swe what i find between teeth, then trust me you'd floss too!! Lol)
anyhow I hope you all find this as funny as I do :D

(I used various alcohol markers to color this and momento ink in tuxedo black)

Stamps used:
(Direct links coming soon)
Floss post
Man amazed

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