Friday, August 19, 2016

Winner WINNER ♥♥

Thank you so much to all the wonderful pieces entered in the July Challenge. What a great steampunky turnout!

Today we have the winners to announce..

Voted winner goes to... JULIE S.!!!

Congratulations Julie!!!

She's used our Worn Clockface in such a cool way, and totally won over the Design Team. Way to go!

Our random winner goes to... Tarah!

email me with your shipping addresses and we can get you a grab bag of rubber :

Also feel free to use the following graphic on your blog. Thanks so much for entering!

Don't forget >>> you can't win if you don't enter. Visit our current challenge now. 


  1. congrats!!!!! fabulous.

  2. Wow! Thank you so much! Made my day. :D

  3. Congrats!These entries are full of texture and great colors! Glad they picked yours!

  4. Oh my goodness, how awesome to have been chosen as one of the winners! Thanks so much :)
