Wednesday, June 22, 2016

May you touch dragonflies...

Hello everyone,

It is my turn on the Blog again and today I have an art journal spread to share with you. I have written a short tutorial for this page :

This is the finished page which I shall cut in half and glue into my mini journal.. 

I started with a piece of paper that was used for rolling of my brayer and cleaning my stencils when I was gelli printing. I often find that these pages are just as nice as the ones you plan and make. 

I cut out the bit I wanted to use and decided to add some pink. I used my small round Gelli Plate for this. I applied the tiniest amounts of pink and white paint, rolled it out and pressed a rubber stamp in it to create texture and then stamped it on my page. 

Here is the result, cool eh ?

Next, background stamping... I use whetever ink has the right colour. Not bothered about it being Archival or Distress or any other kind. 

This is what that looked like. Now time to add black... 

...using some script and the birds. After this is was time for the focal image...

I chose this lovely forest critter... 

here she is in her full glory ! 

Time to add everything to the page... 

and here is the result. I love those colours together... 

I used the following stamps:

Thank you so much for stopping by today !