Wednesday, May 04, 2016

So cute

Hi Hermine here, I find this stamp so cute, love working with it. Hope you enjoy.

step 1: stamp Sitting Voodoo doll 19739 with Stazon Black, make a mask and put the mask on.
step 2: Stamp Bell Jar 19660, remove mask and colour the imgaes with ZIG Clean Colour Real Brush markers.
step 3: then mask off the top of the jar and stamp Blood dripping 18961 by colouring directly onto the stamp with the markers. I used the same colour as I use to colour the jar.
step 4: glue this card onto a double rectanlge card.

Warmly Hermine
Used materials:
Sitting Voodoo Doll 19739
Bell Jar 19660
Blood dripping 18961
ZIG Clean Colour Real Brush markers


  1. Beautifully coloured and lovely composition !
    Corrie x

  2. This card is just adorable Hermine!!
