Monday, April 11, 2016

Banksy Takes Over The Postal Service!

Hello Again, and welcome back for another Fabulous 

MAIL ART MONDAY with me Tera!!! 

Today Banksy is here to take the over the mail with the latest mail art craze... Pocket Letters!!
If you are like me.. then you love the idea of fun art that you can scare with friends and can also be easily kept in a binder to enjoy for years! 

I love that these fit perfectly into a standard business envelope and that you can tuck special surprises into each of the "pockets"... 
 some of my favorite things to add are Washi samples, Tea, Stickers, decorative paper clips, and of course... don't forget the letter!!! 

To create this pocket letter I cut my black cardstock into 9 ATC sized pieces (2.5"x3.5") to use as my base. Then I cut a piece of decorative scrapbook paper to 2.25" x 3.25" so that I would have a small black boarder when they were layered. I glued one base to each colored piece. 

I picked my theme (Banksy) and then began by stamping out each of the black base images on my cards . Next I decided I wanted gold as my accent color, so I added hints of gold to each card to bring everything together.

(Don't think of them as a layout just do 1 card at a time.. It won't feel over whelming that way....You can always move them around to find a layout when you finish them all.)

After all of the cards where assembled in the pockets I punched out some gold confetti to add to my pockets for a few shakers. (with gold washi tape to hold it in of course)... If you choose to do this and you want to fill the backs of each pocket add your surprises in the back before adding confetti and taping... it will be easier

Stamps Used:

Banksy Gas Mask Flower Girl 2 x 3 1/4

Stitching 3/4 x 2 1/2     (yes 3 different stitching stamps! One can never have too many!! lol)

Smear/Smudge 3/4 x 4 1/4