Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Design Team ADDITIONS ♥

Today we are adding three more members to our Design Team! It will round us out to a nice number that will keep the blog showcasing fabulous projects. 

Jenn Engle is brand new to our blog.
She's a super fun mixed media gal who is ready to inspire you!

Nikki Woodward is ALSO new to our blog, but not new to VLVS!
Her style is fun and whimsical with a touch of hilarity.

And Tina Walker you may or may not know... she's in perpetual revolving VLVS! door.
We love her style and are always so thankful to have her inspiring us.


  1. Hello ladies, welcome to the team !
    Corrie x

  2. WOO HOO!!! Fabulous additions who I stalk regularly (in a good way). Well done!

  3. Congratzzz! Well done!

  4. Congrats! So excited that you've added Nikki! She rocks!

  5. Wonderful additions woo hoo!!!
    Congratulations to the ladies, great to see my friend Nikki in the team! :)

  6. Congrats to all, but, especially to my friend, Nikki! You're very lucky to her on your team! She's a rock star of stamping and I love her fun and mischievous style!

  7. Well done girls, especially Nikki who's creativeness is awesome and her English wit will have you giggling!

  8. Well done girls, especially Nikki who's creativeness is awesome and her English wit will have you giggling!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Congrats to the entire team!

  11. SOOO happy to be here and congrats to everyone! Muah!
