Thursday, June 11, 2015

Spool Swap Results!

Every few months we host a swap in our Facebook group dedicated to VLVS!. The last swap was an altered spool swap and we ended up with some really great pieces!! Here they are :

This beautiful spool is by Christa Joyce. It unwinds from the center of the spool
with some beautiful messages. She's used the following stamps:
Wonderland, Wilderness, Your Time As A, and Bird In Flight

This spool is by me, and I can't show too many details at this time.
I'm submitting it for publication! I can tell you though, that I used the
Sheet Music Background stamp to give my bird some beautiful wings.

This spool is by Laurel! The spool sits on a paper doily (that got sort of 
whitewashed in the sun, sorry!) that features a couple of our stamps. 
She's used our Greatness Spray Painter around the outside.

This one is by Marilyn Hughes and is another that unwinds from the center.
She's used tons of great stamps like Cherries, Sunflowers, Birds on a Wire,  our Apple Core,
Fly, Soccer Ball and more.

This mossy bit comes from Michele! She's used our
Flower Head/Petals and Keep Calm/Puddles.

This neatO vintage spool is from Phyllis!
She used our Contortionist Bugler.

and lastly this beautiful winged pieces comes from Sheri.
She's used both our Large Striped Butterfly and Small Striped Butterfly,
along with Skinny Girl and Skinny Hat Lady.

Isn't this such a great turn out?? We're right in the collection phase of a Dress Form Tag Swap --- but you should join our group if you'd like to participate in the next swap!

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