Sunday, March 29, 2015

Good words are worth much and cost little

Good words are worth much and cost little - George Herbert.

I love using words in my ATC's so today I would like to share a series having fun with words and Viva Las VegaStamps!!  This first ATC is called "dress for rain" using the ever lovely lady swimsuit back (isn't she gorgeous???) and the  small cloud stamp
This next ATC is called "hot stuff" and I used the vampire or kisser stamp, isn't it hot??
and last but not least I had fun with this ATC called "high fashion" using the barrel lady, quarter of bullseye/target , row of stars, brick background and the solid star in circle (yes, 5 stamps on this little bitty ATC!!!)
and here is a close up to show the embossing I did on the brick background and quarter bullseye/target:
I also love how the gold stars just pop on that inky background! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed my projects and I would love to hear which of these 3 ATC's was your favorite!


  1. Great stuff Glenda !
    Corrie x

  2. You're style is so recognizable. Love what you do. These are great!

  3. These made me smile! My favourite would be the dress for rain :)
