Sunday, November 02, 2014

VLVS November Inspiration!!

Hi there Glenda here,  and it's my turn to show my take on the Viva Las VegaStamps! inspiration piece and here is the inspiration
and here is my take on this piece
I can't tell you how much fun I had making this!!! I started off with blank pages that I painted green, sprayed orange mist at the top and let it drip down and then glued on some scraps of paper.
Then I used my Gelli plate, white paint and some stencils as well as stamped the numbers in black ink onto the pages.
Next I used a fabulous stencil I have from a book called "Stencil 101" along with a can of black spray paint.
and here are some close up pics of the project

and here are the fabulous Viva Las VegaStamps! I used: the coffee ring stain, the writing arrow, the censored, the one way, the stars, the adventure awaits, the insert your life story here, the french writing background, the arrow, the spotty background, the row of stars and last but not least the grunge numbers from Plate 1444.

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I was inspired by the November inspiration piece and would love to see your take on it!!


  1. This is FANTASTIC- love it. I NEED those numbers!!!

  2. great piece--love your stamp and color choices!
