Thursday, May 08, 2014

April Challenge WINNER

Hello stampers! Welcome to today's post, all about our April Challenge winner. April was full of beautiful yellow toned pieces with rain and flowers. Stop by and see all the wonderful bits that were entered. 

Our winner this month comes to you from a super fan of VLVS! -- Michele Kosciolek!!

She's used the Sunflowers and Girl with Umbrella Facing Away to complete her April Showers tag. Thanks so much for entering Michele! please email me @ and we'll get you some rubber in the mail♥ ALSO - Now introducing a CHALLENGE WINNER graphic, feel free to grab it and post it to your blog. If you've won previous month's challenges, you can use it, too!

Please don't hesitate to go see what else was entered last month, SO MUCH GOODNESS!

And... Don't forget to enter THIS Month's challenge to win your OWN rubber!

1 comment:

  1. Wowzer!!! Thanks so much! I will PROUDLY display that graphic!!
