Friday, April 11, 2014

Tribute layout

I made a tribute layout to our dog Skyler who had to be put to sleep in December of this past year.  He was 16 years old and was a cherished member of our family and it was very, very hard for me.  I still miss him and think about him all the time.  I had a picture of him and I and I love the sweet look on his face so I decided to scrap it and made a mixed media layout:
 Here are some close ups of the stamps, my fave Line of chevrons stamp

and the Bird in flight
and the set of two hands pointing (I used the right hand pointing only) on the picture of the layout I seem to have cropped out some of the hand, sorry! haha

Here is a photo collage of my Skyler

I hope you enjoyed my tribute layout and until next time,



  1. What a wonderful tribute. So sorry about Skylar's passing--what a beautiful pet.

  2. Love your tribute to that pretty dog. He looks gorgeous. Glad you can keep happy memories in your heart and now also shared in this great tribute.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs from SPAIN

  3. What a great tribute layout for your beautiful Skyler. Sorry to hear of your loss.

  4. So sorry for your loss. I lost my baby spike in july....your tribute is beautiful
