Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daily struggles

Hi everyone, Glenda here with a new journal prompt from A Year in the life of an art journal and here it is:

PROMPT: My Struggle. What is something you struggle with?
SHOOTERS: Shoot your mug all tied up. Use rope, twine, string...
BOOKERS: Use imagery or journal it. Let's do some misting today! 

I have a few struggles (lucky me right??) and did a 2 page journal spread on them 

using these fabulous stamps: the Screaming lady hands on face 
Distressed lady
Lady with ax 
(who hasn't felt like this before am I right??)

 Row of stars
Checkerboard border
You are here
and last but not least the Jagged chain link fence
I hope to see you come on over and play along with us and let us know what your struggle is! Before I go here are a couple of ATC's using the same ladies stamps as above that I made some time ago:

I hope you enjoyed my art journal page and my ATC's! Have a great day!


  1. Lol! You've caught my woes perfectly!

  2. These are terrific! VLVS is the BEST for images of people doing awesome stuff...
