Sunday, September 15, 2013

Packing tape transfer time!

New prompt is up over at A Year in the life of an art journal and here it is:

PROMPT: Emotions: what are you feeling, right now, at this moment in your life?
SHOOTERS: Shoot your photo in a mirror, with your feeling written on the mirror.
BOOKERS: Journal it and we will do a packing tape transfer today! yay!

Exciting right?? Plus I did a very basic tutorial for any of you that want to try a packing tape transfer! First of all you need either pictures or text from a magazine or from something that was printed from a laser printer, an ink jet printer won't work. I ripped this page from a magazine as I wanted to use some of the words. I then took some clear packing tape and taped over the words and rubbed with a smooth popsicle stick.

 Then I cut out the words I wanted to use
 and placed them into a cup full of warm water and let it soak for a few minutes. Then I gently rubbed off the paper so it was all gone which leaves us with the clear tape and the word!
 I let the words dry for a couple minutes
 and then they were ready to be glued onto my journal spread. I use Golden gel medium to adhere the packing tape transfer images to my pages because it's clear and you can still see through the image.

 and here is my finished journal spread!

The thing I love about packing tape transfers is that the possibilities are endless and you can use them in layouts, journal pages, canvases, ATC's and more! I used some fabulous stamps from Viva Las VegaStamps! as well such as the checkerboard border,
 the the road not taken,

the coffee ring stain,

the danger skeleton,

spotty background

and last but not least the super cool pulse rate!
I hope you enjoyed my packing tape transfer tutorial and journal spread and until next time!


  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    wonderful! I like that technique and your style - cool project!
    best wishes, serafeena

  2. Lovely pages! I love doing tape transfers! (though i must admit i haven't done one in months)

  3. Fantastic technique and fabulous journal spread!

  4. i cannot believe i never did this before, i am the queen of paking tape! tx so much for sharing this, i feel like such a dummy but can't wait to use my tape today! aloha, angi in hana

  5. You may want to try using Tesa clear packaging tape instead.
    Tesa Asia
