Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Impressionistic Dream

Combining several stamp images using a Cray-Pas Rubbing Technique, I was able to capture my feelings for an impressionistic look.    A little Cray-Pas painting was done as well.

VLVS Images:
10683 - Group of 5 Horses (cut mine so there is 3 in this image)
19193 - Bulls Eye Target Open
979 - Design Solid Circle
2559 - A Patch o' Grass

Miracle Tape Sheet

VLVS Partners:
UmWow Studios Polaroid Chipboard
Sakura of America Cray-Pas, Expressionist Oil Pastels
Helmar 450 Quick Drying Adhesive

Fabric that has been tea-dyed is wrapped around a solid surface (acrylic stamp block was used).  One at a time, starting with the horses (focal point), Cray-Pas was rubbed over the surface of a stamp - face up.  Remove cloth, add another stamp and repeat process.  Do until layout is to your pleasing.

Use the side edge of the Cray-Pas to add colors.  Dip a pointed watercolor brush into Odorless Mineral Spirits and tap lightly onto a rag.  Begin to blend out some of the colors in various places, smoothing as well as blending.

Cut and rip fabric with decorative edge sisscors and add a little decorative paper on back if like using Miracle Tape Sheet.  Use the quick dry adhesive to adhere frame to finished art.

Cre8tivelea Yours - Lea


  1. Wow, Lea, this is fabulous. Love the vibrant colors you got on the fabric.
