Saturday, April 27, 2013

The FDA Crime Scene

It's funny, but I am making a statement about the FDA!  We need to read labels and take care of ourselves because our government won't.

This started with soda pop made with "Brominaded Vegetable Oil."  Brominade use to be used as fire retartant for children's PJ's.  Orange pop, grapefruit type like Fresca - Squirt, and even sports drinks like Gatorade have this in it!  I don't drink pop often, but was on my hubby like a hawk as I read labels to stop him from drinking those chemicals.  My 19 year old stopped drinking pop over 8 months just to be healthy - hmmm he must of felt something about pop.

VLVS Images:
19139 - Bullet Hole
19131 - Chain Link (My Design)
19133- Crime Scene Tape
19140 - Jagged Link Fence
19135- Man in Gas Mask
18961 - Blood Dripping
19077 - Brick Background

This collaged, stamped, altered book page, showcases some of DeeDee's new Apocalypse images.  These images work well with many other images released the past few months.  The chains are an image I designed, perfect for this! 

The page was painted and let dry.  Plastic (Or wax paper) was put behind the page to keep it from sticking to the next page.  Many times, several pages are glued together first to add more structure to the surface, but with the acrylic paint, this was not done. 

The background was stamped with the bricks, then the collage image collaged onto the surface (Yay, Rolling Stone Magazine).  More paint and brick stamping.  The dripping blood was stamping in red ink, then I painted over it to give dimension.

On white cardstock, the gas mask guy, was stamped then masked.  Masking can be done with maskoid for watercolor, low tack frisket film, or Post-It Note.  The fence was stamped over the masked image, then the mask was removed. 

The chains, crime scene tape, and words were stamped and cut out.  These were collaged to the page.  Yellow was added to the banner to imitate real CSI tape.  Also yellow on the words.  This was to make them P-O-P!

I adore the bullet hole!!!  I stamped that directly on the page.  White paint was added here and there to make the black of the bullet hole stand out.  Inks applied as well  around the gas mask image.

Note: That sucker is part of the magazine image.

The FDA is a crime!  And that's my view.  Now back to our regular lives.

Cre8tiveLea Yours - Lea


  1. I loooveee this and how you used those stamps!!

  2. ack! scary and political too, very nicely done.
