Thursday, April 04, 2013

Moon Enchanted

HI! My project today is one of my favs, i made a whole card set which i will share my over my next few post.

The one today is

Pretty Moon and Fairy stamp, along with the Enchanted Stamp.

Here is the link to the "Fairy on Moon" and to "Enchanted".

The background was made using 140lb watercolour paper using ShinHan Tube Watercolous.

Using a wet brush cover the entire piece of paper, let it sit for just about 45 seconds and then dip your brush into the watercolour and begin dropping colour onto the paper. Letting the watercolour paints fluidly move and blend.
I then stamped my chosen stamps using Stazon Ink.
I then used my prisma coloured pencil to add shadows and colour to the card.

Honestly stamp art is easy, just have fun and play!
L. ANg


  1. This turned out beautifully! Thank you for sharing. I always seem to have trouble getting my ink to stamp dark enough on thicker papers like water colour.

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Gorgeous! :)
