Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Key to Your Heart is an Open Door

A rustic door, a key...open the door to a child's heart!

Create a door that opens to reveal more art.  There are 2 ways to achieve this, I am showing one way to do this.

VLVS Images:
Winged Boy 19062
Wooden Door 18988
Hinge Silhouette  19057
December Daily  Plate 1430 - #6
Dictionary Page 19015
Washi Grid Background 19074

May Arts Ribbon - Twine

1.  The door is stamped and painted with watercolors before cutting out.  Cut off the hinges that are there.  On the edge where the hinge would be, a score line was made with a bone folder.

2.  The silhouette hinge was a bit big for this door so I cut the hinge in half leaving the connector off.  The hinges are painted and the screws are accented with metallic gel pen. 

3.  A ragged/distressed piece of cardstock is cut a bit bigger than the door - big enough for the dictionary page and boy image.  Stamp the grid background several times to fill the cardstock. 

4.  Stamp and watercolor dictionary page.  Stamp and accent winged boy with watercolor markers.  Rip out dictionary page and place over grid.  Play with the door and make sure the dictionary page and boy are covered by the door.  Adhere to green cardstock.

5.  Adhere the door only adding adhesive to the left of the score line.  This will allow door to open and close.  Mount orange cardstock behind green.  Add hinges.

6.  Ahere to decorative brown cardstock and add twine down the side.

7.  Inside the card, watercolor behind door.  Stamp # 6 in green on right side of boy.  Use rub on's to add accent keys and words.  Adhere a charm key on the bottom right.

Open the door to new experiences and to love! 

The other way to create the door is to stamp it on cardstock and use an Exacto knife and cut around 3 edges of the door and pop it open and fold back on the left side you didn't cut.

Cre8tiveLea Yours- Lea


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