Sunday, February 10, 2013

Steamy Valentine with Chamomile Tea and May Arts

Hi everyone! I'm sharing with you a fun ATC that I've made with the charming steampunk stamp Chamomile Tea. I love Brian Kensinger's drawings as they lend themselves to several coloring I chose to watercolor her on a piece of antique book paper. 
For this project you will need : 
corrugated cardboard ATC Blank--painted and inked and embossed.
Punchinella from Guache Alchemy
Handmade Washi Tape using VLVS!, Miracle Tape and tissue paper
May Arts Ribbon
Distress Stain, Paris Trunk Ink
Book Paper, foil metal trinkets, feather and bling

I stamped Chamomile Tea onto the book paper with the Paris Trunk Ink in Black and embossed her with the Ultra High Gloss Emboss Enamel. This helps to keep most of the watercolor where it needs to be. I layered her onto of a prepared ATC base with some additional layers of homemade Washi tape and punchinella. I finished her off with a hand stamped ribbon from May Arts, trinkets, bling and a feather. Thank you for looking!
The May Arts Ribbon used in this project was originally white. I colored it quickly with Distress Stain and dried it lightly. Take care with the heat tool because this man-made fiber will crinkle--a process that I used once it was stamped. I then used my Black Paris Trunk Ink to stamp gears onto the ribbon. I set it aside to dry but if you are in a rush, again heat set gently. Once the ribbon was tied onto the ATC, I zapped it closer with the heat tool to get the ribbon to crinkle as seen in the final ATC.
I hope you enjoy my ATC! ~leslierahye


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    great card, love how the ribbon turned out

  2. Beautiful!

    Hugs karin xx

  3. Such a lovely ATC. I am digging your custom ribbon.
