Tuesday, October 09, 2012

ATC madness!

Hi everyone, Glenda here with my very first post as a new DT member! I love making ATC's (artist trading cards) and first started making them when I attended a free workshop in 2008. After that I was hooked and have since made over 600 ATC's and have traded with people from all over the world and regularly participate in ATC swaps as well.

I have 3 binders full of ATC's and love to experiment with different techniques when I make them. One of my favorite products to work with is Glimmermists and I use them almost everywhere!

On this ATC I used watercolor paper for my background as it holds up well under the Glimmermist. I sprayed the Glimmermist and let it run and then dry. I then stamped my image and cut it out and glued it onto the watercolor paper. I used watercolor pencils to color in her dress and the grass and since I love quotes added one of my favorite ones.

I used the VLVS image "Lady by fence" stamp
and this is the card I made:

I hope you all enjoyed this and until next time,



  1. Welcome to the DT!
    I love ATCs, and Love the image you used for this one :)

  2. LOVING this ATC!!!!
