Tuesday, July 03, 2012

July Calendar Journal

I have challenged myself this year to try to create an art calendar for each month of the year. I have joined a group of artists who do this every month and if you want to know more about that you can check out my post on my personal blog. Basically they create a page for the month, photograph it, and share it with the group. During the month you journal/doodle the occurrences of the month. At the end of the month you have a beautiful accounting of your month and at the end of the year a beautiful memory of the year. It has been difficult working this challenge into my year but I keep trying as when I do work on this project it is VERY satisfying. Today I bring you my July spread and at the beginning of next month I'll check back in and share with you the finished pages.

The Process

for this project you will need:
old book paper
mod podge or favorite adhesive
acrylic paint
I am using an old tour book made of upcycled papers as my journal
I began by gluing old book paper to my journal with Mod Podge
Next I dry-brushed some red acrylic paint on to the page.
I brushed red and blue paint onto the doily stamps and
stamped them onto the journal page.
I cut 1½" square pieces of card stock out of red and blue. I
edged the card stock with the red and blue paint.
I stamped M-T-W-T-F-S-S for the days of the week with the
steampunk alphabet and pint. I trimmed out the letters and
edged the squares with blue paint.

  Putting it all together

Once everything was dry, I glued down the calendar pieces and drew chunky letters for the word July and stippled in some color and tangled some patterns in the letters. I will doodle and write in the squares and blank spaces on the journal through out the month. I will return in August to share with you the completed page.
Thank you for looking!


  1. Awesome idea and excellent execution of the concept!

  2. Very cool! You are awesome taking on a challenge like that!

  3. What a good idea, look forward to August to see it finished

    Best wishes Sue
