Thursday, December 01, 2011

Merry Chrisdog To You

Happy Holiday Season!  VLVS has the best selection of words and quotes that can be used with any image, although, like above, there are matched words to fit select images.  There are a vast amount of dog images, so choose the breed you love!!

This ornament is in memory of our beagle Woodstock, she passed away this past April.  She was our beloved doggie of 13 years and my 18 year old son grew up with her.  It was difficult to say goodbye to her.  

VLVS Stamp Images:

Use a chipboard shape or cut your own ornament from cardboard (which I did).  Stamp the bone and paw image randomly on a white sheet of copy paper with black, permanent ink.  Turn the stamped paper over and trace the circle part of the ornmanent with a pencil.  Turn the paper back to the front and color in the images only where the traced circle is (Hold up paper to see the tracing). 
Color with colored pencils, Copics, watercolor markers, etc.  Cut the circle out and use Miracle Tape to adhere the bone/paw background to the ornament.

Stamp the beagle on white cardstock with black permanent ink and add coloring realistic to the breed dog.  I colored the beagle according to how our Woodstock looked.  Cut out and set aside.

When I received my Pound 'o Rubber, I found this little shape that could be a star or just a decorative image.  On another piece of decorative paper, I cut it first to fit the stem of the ornament and then used Brilliance Copper ink and stamped the decorative image around the area.  Then I wrapped below the area with wire to add extra dimension and texture to the ornament.  An eyelet was added as well.

Lastly, adhere beagle to the front of the ornament, add ribbon with a knot in the back and pulling the ribbon through to the front forming loops.  Hold your black ink pad on its side and go over the edges of the ornament to create a black outline.

GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike!  Recently Sakura Hobby Craft showcased the VLVS Lady Holding Globe, using 3-D Crystal Lacquer to make the globe look like real glass.  I had already completed my design for this blog, but I did my design a little bit different.  I blinged up my lady and added glitter, etc.  The trees in the globe was colored with metallic green pen, and I added white, blue, and brown to finish the scene.  When I added the 3-D Crystal Lacquer, it magnified the colors like a real globe!  I also sprinkled a tiny bit of glitter into the lacquer to make the globe look like it was shaken. 

Be sure to place your design on a FLAT SURFACE so that the 3-D Crystal Lacquer doesn't migrate from the area you want it to stay at.

The TAG Blog Hop has started!!!!  The beginning of the blog starts with Terri Sproul, and goes on.  Check my blog out and follow along.  To win the plate of stamps the DT used to create these awesome stamps, comment on each blog and you have a chance of winning!!!

The ideas keep coming...more to come!!  Check back every Monday-Wednesday-Friday for designs so it is fast and easy to create your holiday cards. 

Holiday Thoughts to you - Lea


  1. Great post... love the ornament!!!! Sorry to hear about your loss... fur babes are such a wonderful part of life!

  2. Love the play on words!

  3. Love the play on words!
