Monday, June 06, 2011

Thinking Out of the Box with Embossing Powder

I love to think out of the box with a product and come up with an idea that just a little different.. Viva Las Vegastamps! has a wonderful Ultra High Gloss Clear Embossing Powder that is just too much fun to play with.

This embossing powder can be used on detail stamps too. That's really great, because as you know - some don't work well on detail stamps. Here is the link to find it on the Website

well I hope you enjoy that idea, if so, check out my other video on my Youtube channel including lots more using Viva Las Vegastamps!

Thanks for stopping by...
Terri Sproul


  1. Great demonstration of how the Ultra High Gloss Embossing powder makes such a shiny finish on your images... it may be the magpie in me but I love glossy and shiny thingies and this is my favorite embossing powder. Thanks, Terri.

  2. Terri, what do you put your camera on when you are making the vids? Love the ep on the flowers that were brayered! Kewl card!
    Laurel of CowTown Stamps
